Sunday, October 31, 2010

Side note.

So I know this isn't a personal blog, but I just want to take a brief moment to reflect on why I am doing all of this. This past week has been especially challenging for me, with built up stress, project after project due, as well as other numerous issues. As cliché as it sounds, though, my problems really are nothing in the grand scheme of things. I can't help but feel guilty for feeling sorry for myself when I know about all the horrible things happening right now in Congo. These women are living everyday in fear for their own lives. I could never imagine the life they must live, day to day. It's unfathomable. I just need to learn to stop and count my blessings. Not only that, but I want to use what I have been blessed with to help others, such as the women and children of Congo.

Just something to think about.

1 comment:

  1. Wise girl Annie.
    Perhaps if we can get more youth to shift their focus away from their personal challenges and towards how they can create change in the lives of other youths more deeply in need of support, then both might find the relief that is so badly needed. You have the makings of a true mentor. Ever thought about being a Congo Youth Abbassador?
